I decided not to rhyme this post, because I could only rhyme this line with toast.

And rhyming is annoying and lame.
I beat the game, but not with 100% like I wanted. Why?
Because there’s stuff you can’t do until you’ve cleared chapter 8!
I don’t like that.
The game would have been better if it added a bonus to your score for finishing chapters, like Riviera did.
And if it wasn’t so damn easy.
Or cheesily based on love. ( Unlike my stories, which aren’t cheesily based on love at all! [/sarcasm])
But, since I first played it, I think can appreciate it a bit more now.
Its VERY Japanese in design, in both graphics and story.
By graphics I mean, how it extends from the “paper” theme.
The first two games didn’t really do that.
Also I’ve become a total whore for this OST….
Damn… Originally I would have scored this game with a 5 or something, but now I have to raise that to 8.
Isn’t a game supposed to be more boring the second time around!?
Anyway, I finished with 39:24 on the clock.
I’m sure I could have finished earlier if I wasn’t going for the 100% but oh well.
That’s just over a day and a half! That’s really good, in my opinion!

I guess I’ll have to do some work now.. meh…